Monday, June 05, 2006


Newest Entry at Double-Tongued:
blue canary n. an emergency worker (especially a police officer or first responder) whose death alerts other personnel to a hazardous situation.

Etymological Note: From the use of canaries in coal mines, whose death would alert miners to the presence of dangerous gasses.

Right. What a way to go...

There is no coherent segue from that to anything in my life. So I'll just tell you that I spent $89 today at a factory outlet storefront for...
  • 9 beach towels (with assorted corporate and conference logos)
  • 3 beach towels that fold up and turn into drawstring beachbags (VERY cool, also sporting corporate logos)
  • 3 Harley Davidson hand-towels, unlicensed
  • A baby bib reading "Born to Read"
  • A baby towel set (washcloth and hoodie-wrap towel) reading "Babies Rock"
Those beach towels are for our journey south. They can be beach towels, blankets, sheets, shower towels, sit-upons...whatever. And if we trash a few of them, oh well; at about $5 a pop, it won't exactly kill us.

So, Beast and I have one more full day of work. Sparky has about 75 minutes of school tomorrow (stoopid) and then he will be, officially, an 8th-grader. Beast will pick up the rental van tomorrow and as soon as we get home from work, we'll start packing it up. That's about when I'll start scurrying around like a freakin' maniac, because that's what I do the day before we go anywhere.

But hey! The data-mapping (interestingly, I first typed "dada"-mapping, which is somewhat more descriptive...) IS DONE! Hip-hooray.

And goodnight.

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