Thursday, June 01, 2006

L - O - N - G

I started working this morning at 8:09. Yes, I was in my basement, on comfy furniture, with music on loud and papers scattered on floor, table, and said furniture. But I was working, dammit.

Beast called at one was 1:30. I had, by then, moved to the dining room because the laptop's battery had run low in the basement. The surround-sound was on. I was making progress, but I hadn't taken a break to speak of in over 4 hours.

At about 3:30, I went upstairs for a break--this was after I lost data (twice) and realized I needed to stop for awhile. I gave myself the first half of a pedicure (the removal of last month's nail polish). I braided my hair. I changed for work. Then I came back downstairs and watched two episodes of Season 1 of CSI and ate some leftover chicken kebab for dinner. I worked a bit on the next round of files, but just couldn't face it before taking off for work at 6.

Worked the Reference Desk for two hours tonight while trying to accomplish several "normal" job things...HAH! Mostly I was just cranky with patrons.

Oh and I got my wish: Sparky talked to me a LOT tonight. Of course, he called to tell me all about his day at a nearby roller-coaster mecca, in excruciating detail, while I was working at reference and trying to deal with needy patrons. One guy was on having trouble, and one girl needed the top 100 CDs/Checking Accounts/Savings Accounts in the nation.

Whatever. I worked nearly 12 hours straight today. I'm very tired.

And I'm not done with this damn mapping yet. In fact, I have the hardest part left to do.

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