Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday "work"

We are closed this morning for some much-needed and very much-earned R&R. Ooops, no. We're closed for an in-service. A gentleman named Rob Reid, whom I've heard speak about library service before, is coming to our little library to talk to us about our grant topic: guys in the library. I've been talking him up since I found out we'd booked him; I hope he's as good a speaker as my memory of him says he was!

What this means is that from 9 to 12 I'm doing no work. We're all going to lunch till 1, and then the library will open, and I am on the Reference Desk two of the next four hours. So I won't be doing my actual job then either.

And you know what? That's fine with me. I need a vacation from the worries, and I haven't done a lick o' work on the monthly statistical stuff I normally do on the first day of the month. Perhaps there will be some time to go over with the boss some of my mapping questions. Maybe not. Whatever.

In any case, I work Sunday afternoon too, and I'm sure I will be putting in some (more) overtime tomorrow and Monday. The next paycheck is going to be GLORIOUS!! :-)

Have a great Friday everyone.

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