Monday, June 05, 2006

Hearing aid?

For those who don't read my occasional reference log, I have to post yesterday's final reference question here, too. This is, perhaps, a lesson in trying NOT to multi-task at the Reference Desk.

I was shutting down computers at 3:55 yesterday. A kid in his early teens, carrying a file folder and spiral notebook, found me and asked if we have any rhapsodies. Odd, but ok...I'm in full "Sunday-last-minute-homework" mode and say something like "Do you want to listen to them or do you want sheet music?"

He looked confused and I said, "Do you want CDs?"

"Yes, CDs." He's now staring at me like I'm from outer space.

I keyword-search "rhapsody" and find several listed. We walk to the media area and I start looking through the orchestral discs. Of course, nothing is there, the section is a total mess and I find neither of the first two call numbers I'd written down. I quickly search again on a nearby catalog computer and come up with two other options...which I also can't locate.

I can hear the circ staff are closing down computers and clearing the desk in preparation for going home.

Meanwhile, the kid is idly flipping through the pop music CDs nearby and says, "Oh, here. I found one."

I stand up, a little surprised that Gershwin would have been filed in with Dolly Parton and Eric Clapton. He's holding up a Public Enemy CD.

Public Enemy did something called a rhapsody......?, but they do generally release Rap CDs.


I find the rest of the rap section for him and walk away, knowing that he thinks I'm a complete moron, and knowing that he has no idea what a 'rhapsody' is anyway.

Time to sign up for a refresher course on "Reference Interview 101."

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