Monday, May 22, 2006

Today's projects

This morning, I will be spending four hours listening to 8th graders present their projects, which they (supposedly) have been working on since January. Because I work at the library, I've known for years that there is always a percentage who actually do most of the work on this 5-month assignment in the first two weeks of May. In fact, last Thursday night was Project Hell Night: "but it's due tomorrow!!!" The printers don't work, the pictures won't download properly off the internet, the formatting of the PowerPoint has gone haywire.... Yeah, we at the library love these projects.

But I'd like to see (some of) the finished products. And since Sparky has to do one of these next year, I want to see what the general threshold of completion looks like.

After I'm done at school, I'll probably come home and find some project or another to ignore around here. Then it's back to school to pick up Sparky at 4, then to church for the blood drive. I haven't donated in several months because I've felt so crappy.

Beast may--or may not--be going out of town today. The equipment he needs may not be ready until tomorrow. In any case, he definitely is having a root canal at noon today. Which reminds me: I need to call the dentist about my dental issues.

I love my "day off."

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