Saturday, May 20, 2006

Today's list

Updated 8:30 p.m.
  • Make list and go to Sam's Club
  • Figure out something for dinner -- pizza tonight, chicken tikka masala tomorrow instead
  • Go for a walk--it looks like it's going to be a lovely day -- hauled out the treadmill and did about a mile of walking
  • Type up Session minutes (should have done this 3 weeks ago!) and send out
  • Tidy up school supply bins [tomorrow, maybe, or perhaps I'll work on photos and memorabilia]
  • Clean the bathroom(s) [tomorrow....for sure]
  • Play nursemaid to a sick guinea pig
I also ended up running back into town just now because of a call from the PITA neighbor needing pictures for a gift she's giving tomorrow...and I had to find our saved-on-CD photos, make sure they really are accessible (which nearly brought me to tears); ordered them at the photo stop and came back home, burning 15 miles. Expensive pictures!
I think my first job, however, is to get up off the couch and get dressed. I need to take all my "bedside" stuff upstairs and put it away; I crashed on the couch for most of the night.

Sparky is doing a "space mission" right now with his youth group at the local Space Center. Beast is probably at Starbucks picking up his morning boost after dropping Sparky off for the morning.

The front door is open and the windchimes are singing. They are not soprano windchimes, by the way; they are lovely alto/tenor windchimes and not tinkly in the least. I don't really care for tinkly sounds. I can hear someone mowing his lawn across the street, and a car just went by: the first in probably 10 minutes. The birds are twittering--which is fine, because birds are the only things that should twitter.

We have a very quiet neighborhood. At least, we do until fireworks season begins, probably in a month, maybe less.

Maybe I'll stop at a garden center today and buy some annuals to plant tomorrow.... [didn't do this either]

I've had a sinus headache all day today. Someday I'll feel healthy again. Maybe not in 2006, though.

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