Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Yesterday was a good day: we spent the afternoon with some friends helping them with their landscaping. It would have been a better day if the weather hadn't been in the 90s when we were shoveling dirt, mulching, and digging out concrete. Not that I did much: I discovered that my stamina is gone. Mississippi is going to be difficult.

The morning's sermon was called "Sua Sponte" and revolved around Memorial Day (vaguely), but all I needed to hear was sua sponte. That will stick with me for awhile.

The fog has generally lifted, and I don't feel quite so beaten down. Sua sponte.

When we got home last night at 9 or so--dirty, sweaty, stinky and sticky--we drove into a subdivision without power. No power = no water for us (we're on a well). No water = no shower. Also, no A/C. Everything was working again by 10:15, but the house stayed warm for awhile after that, and by then two of us had hit the sheets (although I did get up and wash my feet which were disgustingly dirty and sore).

I'm at work typing this, the plan for the day being to come into town to see Sparky march in the parade and then stay and work for several hours.

The proxy server is dead. I can use the internet but not the library's database(s). The directions to repair it make no sense to me, so I've called and left messages with the Techie Librarian and the director so they know we have a problem before we try to open tomorrow. What that also means is that there's no point in my staying and working, and there's no point in me coming in tomorrow at 7:30. So much for catching up/working ahead. I get to spend the day with my family instead.

I'll leave you with the fact that someone in the old part of the town in which we live--about 2 minutes from our house--had to be flight-for-lifed Saturday night after trying to start a bonfire with gasoline, and this story about the dangers of quiet neighbors who drink a lot of beer.

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