Thursday, April 27, 2006

Who's been sitting in THIS chair?


I came to work today.

And sat down at my computer to find that someone was using my email, trying to send a message. The addressee is Schedule Nazi, but I suspect she's just a moron and she's the one who was using it.

The problem isn't so much that she was using my computer to send email, but that she could read all my incoming and outgoing messages. Talk about feeling kicked in the gut. Of course, I don't know if she actually DID read anything, but...obviously, I need to get this fixed.

I've already requested help from the techie librarian, and I'm trying to compose myself enough to write a calm note to the director requesting a new password for login purposes.

On top of which, the world continues to whirl around me, I'm scheduled at the Circ Desk this morning, and the Catalog Elf didn't come empty the backlog. In fact, his assistant ADDED stuff. None of that is surprising, of course, just sucky.

[Addendum: It, apparently, wasn't Schedule Nazi who was attempting to send email from my desk, it was Catnip. So now there's a question of why she wasn't using her computer, located in a completely separate part of the building...and why she continued to attempt to write an email even though my new messages come preloaded with my work sig:
Head of Tech Svc
[ ] Public Library
[street address]
etc. etc.
She doesn't seem to be this stupid...but I guess I could be wrong. Again.

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