Thursday, April 27, 2006

More sunshiney goodness

  1. Beast's company is being sued. It's nothing to do with anything he was (or is) involved with, being a class-action lawsuit based on events in the '70s and '80s. Still, it isn't good news.

  2. I slapped Sparky across the face last night. Regardless of everything else, that's bullshit parenting. I've turned into my mom, in all the worst ways.

  3. I nearly fell into the bookdrop behind the circ desk this morning. That's when I decided I needed to leave PDQ. Well, that, plus feeling like I was going to throw up.

  4. I'm hungry, but not hungry enough to eat; see #3 above.
I really need to find where to buy a new life. If nothing else so that I can think of something to say here that isn't so hideously boring. I feel like Tracey Ullman: "Go on, what are you still doing here? Go on. Go HOME!"

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