Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Buggering off. Playing hooky. Taking a mental health break.

I left work for no real reason. Well, except for the continuous-run thought of "why stay when I won't get anything done anyway?" Because I hadn't up to that point. Wouldn't in the foreseeable day ahead.

I checked out four books, and I'm sitting here with the phone book open to Movers.

Who knows if I'll be back at work at all this week.

The last time I actually buggered off with the thought that I might not return was in 4th grade, thirty-odd years ago. Don't remember the reasoning then, but I'm sure it was "Interpersonal Issues" then too.

Anyone know of a good cave I could borrow for a year or so?

[Addendum 10:30 p.m.--I ended up going to the doctor this afternoon. I do have fluid in my ears. He put me on a week's worth of anti-vertigo meds, among other suggestions. This is just something I'll either have to sit out until it improves or learn to deal with. I almost fell off the floor at Target tonight.
My attitude about work continues to suck. As I told Beast earlier this evening, I'm about 60/40 about skipping tomorrow. We'll see if I can roll over in bed without getting dizzy in the morning....

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