Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Copied from my email

The new schedule is out, the one that starts next week. The director--no fool she--is on vacation this week. Here's what she'll find in her mailbox when she returns:

Hi [Schedule Nazi] and [Director]. I took I look at the new schedule and have a couple of questions/comments:

  • It looks like [Crazy Cat Woman] refused to take [Music Dude]'s hours so I'm on Thursday nights now, right? If I stay at the Reference Desk all three hours that comes very close to doubling the amount of time I'm scheduled on desks for the week (from 4 currently to 7 starting next week). I didn't really bargain for that. Frankly, if that's how things will work, I'm not sure I want to swap after all. I hate to be a pain, but I'm so far behind as it is that taking 3 more hours off at the Reference Desk means I stand virtually no chance to catch up, much less try to accomplish any of my other projects (biogs, inventory, Dead Deweys....etc. etc.). I wouldn't mind doing [IM Reference] from my desk if that helps in covering the hours. If I pick up more hours at the Ref Desk, I need to rearrange the percentages on my review list, too.

  • As it stands now, according to the schedule I'm supposed to be here 32 hours each week (31 on weeks I work Saturdays). I generally work 8 to 4 with no lunch break, but I think that I'm only "supposed" to be working 29 hours. Is that right? I just don't want us to get burned. In any case, I almost never stay till 4:30 on Tuesdays or Wednesdays (or Thursdays up to this point). Along these lines, I'd really like to be able to leave at 4 on Thursdays from now on during the school year to pick up [Sparky] from school without having to mess with the schedule every week.

  • I had asked [Director] if I could please have all my Friday hours in a block. I'm not sure how to do this. If I come up with something, I'll pass it along.
I know [Director]'s gone all week and this schedule starts next week. I hope we can work it out before all of this next Thursday!
I am pissed beyond measure, mostly about the first point in the email. And honestly, I have done nothing this morning. Nothing. I'm performing a sit-in until this gets resolved, and eating pistachios like they're going out of style, too. Stress eating? Yep. Nothing like a little passive-aggressiveness to start my day.


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