Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ruminating on trees and knees

A friend of ours who is a landscaper came over tonight to look at trees. We actually sat in the dining room and looked and pictures of trees, not the actual trees; our subdivision doesn't have many, being as how 5 years ago it was a farm field.

We received a letter from our Homeowner's Association recently stating that we are to plant one tree for every 40 feet of road frontage. Since we're on a corner, that's hella trees. We have one currently. We were thinking four more should do it.

Oops, we measured wrong--four would be enough for one side of our yard. The other side, over the driveway in front of the house, that's another two trees' worth of frontage. Damn: six more trees.

We're also really confused about where they have to be planted. The rule says 25 feet from the road. Does this mean they have to be planted in a row, exactly 25 feet from the road? Cuz, well, that'll be a problem since A) that's outside our property line, on the utility easement, B) the drainage area (i.e. ditch) in a couple of areas is more than 20 feet wide, and C) how dorky will 7 trees look lined up in a row in front of our house?? I hate uniformity. I hate homeowner's associations.

Ironically, today we got a letter in the mail from a couple of people in the subdivision who are trying to start a "Fight the Homeowner's Association" group. I'll be calling them. Right after I call the people who wrote this rule about having to line up trees in a row 25 feet from the road.

But first, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow: my right knee is very sore where I did the flying fall in Boston, and now both knees hurt in back. The clicking sound in my right knee has gotten much louder. Sucks to be old.

Still, today was a beautiful day--did I mention that?--Sparky spent two hours OUTSIDE (gasp!) and my heart generally feels lighter than it has since October or so.

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