Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I had to run over to church today to make some copies (and thank God I did it when the secretary was there--I wasted so much paper with her there, I think I'd've killed a ream without her!). It's about 4 blocks.

I walked. Not only that, but I'm wearing shoes with no backs, sorta cloggy but flat, and after 2 blocks my legs started complaining. This is no joke when my knees already are crabby about their jobs. So I flipped off the shoes and carried them the rest of the way. And I walked barefoot all the way back.

It is absolutely gorgeous outside. The trees are budding out. Now I'm having my Granny Smith apple and some pistachios and trying to sort out what hideous project to commence. Right now it's looking an awful like "Call Beast and chat him up." He won't mind if I crunch apple in his ear, will he?

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