Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Oughta, Shoulda

I ought to be reading the last three days' worth of local papers. But what I'm doing instead is rifling the Internet.

I ought to be posting a long links post or two from 30-plus feeds I saved on Bloglines. But what I'm doing instead is reading recently posted Urban Legends, which I just noticed is RSSified. Woot.

I ought to be organizing pictures for the weekend crop, and calling to cancel one of the rooms I booked just-in-case. But what I'm doing instead is rearranging my Google home page.

I ought to call my niece, or write her about our plans for Saturday. But instead I'm blogging.

And, you know, I don't feel remotely guilty. And I'm going to bed early, too.

so there

See what happens when you hang around babies (two of 'em tonight at church!): priorities {poof} miraculously sorted out.

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