Friday, January 13, 2006

Sore throat

Good that I didn't go to work today; my throat has only gotten worse. I've developed another sinus headache, too.

I'm sitting here, fresh out of the bathtub. Beast is home and Survivorman is on the tube. He's in the Canadian Rockies for this episode. Meanwhile, Beast has gone to sleep in the recliner. I'll have to wake him to go to bed. Ahh, the joys of married life.

Neither of us is in any shape to spend 9 hours in what will probably be a school gym tomorrow watching robots. With 11- to 14-year-olds.

My day was mostly computer games, memes, a two-hour nap, making herbed chicken and rice for dinner, and reading. Neighbors brought over Barney the Betta for us to feed while they go to Mexico. He's pretty.

And, I finished another Aaron Elkins book. Haven't updated the book blog yet. Maybe Sunday.

Have a great Saturday. Good night.

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