Friday, January 06, 2006


I don't work today. But I've got a ton of things I should (and will) be doing around and about:
  • Massage (at 10) (lovely, except for my "stuck" bicep/tricep)
  • Meet with V about taking over clerkship of Session (at 1) (I'm still a bit panicked)
  • Go to bank (had to get money to pay for groceries and the massage)
  • Go to grocery store (...didn't know we need bagels...)
  • Wash out lingerie (and, yes, leave it draped all over the bathroom) (but I never hung it up after all)
  • Update book blog done
  • Put away the rest of the Christmas gifts
  • Put away clean clothes
  • Iron (I haven't ironed in about 6 months--there are more shirts in my closet that I can't wear than ones I can) hoping to get to this tonight while the boys are building the DNA model done
  • Make dinner (Beast offered to take us out to eat tonight--I love dat man!)
  • Empty dishwasher (and refill)
  • Nap? (well, it would be nice)
  • Don't know how many of the non-scheduled things I'll actually get to. But the real key is that "The Sims" is NOT on the list. (I Simmed anyway. So sue me. Only for about 2 hours, though.)

    Updated 4:45 p.m. and 8:15 p.m.

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