Saturday, December 31, 2005

Extra Credit (7th grade)

During December and January, we will be studying genetics and heredity in science. Since both of these concepts involve DNA, it is important to learn about the structure of it.... To further understand these concepts, it would be helpful for you to make your own 3D model of DNA. By doing so, you will have the opportunity to earn up to 25 extra credit points.


  • Must be neat and show accurate detail of the nitrogren bases, phosphates, and sugars
  • All words spelled correctly
  • Each component of DNA has its own color
  • Each component of DNA has a label or is represented on a key
  • There are at least 4 phosphates on the model
  • There are at least 4 sugars on the model
  • It is obvious by shape that Adenine only fits with Thymine, and Guanine only fits with Cytosine
  • There is one full obvious twist in ladder shape
  • There are at least two Thymine components
  • There are at least two Adenine components
  • There are at least two Cytosine components
  • There are at least two Guanine components
  • The model is three-dimensional
  • The model shows DNA unzipping and rezipping
  • The model shows the enzyme in its proper place

  • Right, then.

    Who out there can do this??

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