Saturday, December 31, 2005

Reading statistics

Now for the statistics for the year:
number of books read in 2005: 127
number of books read in 2004: 102
number of books read in 2003: 100
number of books read in 2002: 118
number of books read in 2001: 83
number of books read in 2000: 128
average read per month: 10.6 (over six years: 9.14)
average read per week: 2.44 (over six years: 2.11)
number read in worst month: 5 (January and June) [last year: 0 in July]
number read in best month: 21 (February) [last year: 12 in June]
number of fiction: 74 [last year: 61]
number of non-fiction: 53 [last year: 41]
I omitted the male/female count because I read so many books by the same authors I got confused. If I can figure it out later, I'll add it in.

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