Saturday, December 17, 2005

Stuff and (mostly) nonsense

The boys are watching Frosty the Snowman on TV. I hate that show, so I'm in the other room. I should be calling my niece about Christmas plans. But, well, I'm not. I'm also not on the phone with my mom, who had eye surgery (other eye) this week. Because I suck. ;-)

By the way, vitamin C is a wonder drug, at least for guinea pigs. Cinnamon has had a perfectly normal day today, apparently, although he still seems a little sluggish. Stupid rat. [I mean that lovingly.]

Speaking of rodents, we have a bunny (possibly more than one) living under our front porch. I wouldn't mind, except it is eating all the plants: rosebushes and so forth. So we'll have to find a way to trap it and then block the entrance to the area. Poor bunny. I always think of our last dog when yard-bunnies are out and about. Shady brought us innumberable bunny-presents over the years, including a whole nest of babies she strategically arranged around the yard. She was very careful: rarely killed one outright. If we weren't so citified, we could have skinned them and had rabbit stew (well, except for the babies). But as it was, I cried and Beast had to clean up. One time, she just broke the back legs, so we boxed up this rabbit and trekked down to the Humane Society because we couldn't do what they probably did once we left. Eventually, the bunny-hotline got the word out that ours was not a rabbit-friendly yard.

That was a tangent I hadn't meant to go off on!

Beast has been working in the basement again the past couple of weeks, designing the last wall in the "family room" and then framing walls, putting up sheetrock and (today) mudding the nails and cracks. Obviously, his back is better.

While he was mudding today, he also did all the laundry (who has it better than me, eh?) and washed the skillet and pot from last night as well as the other dishes that can't go in the dishwasher. He stopped at the grocery store for a couple of things, and he took me out to lunch. He also has almost all of his Christmas cards done. Sigh.

We had what our household calls "Fend" for dinner tonight: everyone grabs a container of leftovers and heats it in the microwave. I'm such the domestic mom. While I should have been making dinner I was actually working on my stack of cards.

I think I'm going to have to go to bed. My brain is all cotton-fluff.

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