Saturday, December 10, 2005


So, today I'm sitting in a gym on bleachers from 9:30 a.m. until after 4 while Sparky participates in Round 1 of the First Lego League Challenge.

He started doing this at school in 5th grade, but they didn't compete for the first time (in our school district) until last year. So at least this year, I know what I'm facing. And so does Beast, which is why he's not going for the entire day. Last year's time on bleachers just about destroyed his back; this year we'd be calling the ambulance by noon.

I'm taking several magazines, a book, and lots of Tylenol (not ingesting it all at once--a bottle full!), and preparing for the long haul. Perhaps I'll go to the Pony-Tailed Wonder's library, which is about 6 blocks away from the school where the competition is done.

Wish me luck.

Yes, people (and you know who you are!), this is geeky, but it's no more ridiculous than spending a day watching kids run back and forth on a basketball court. {smile}

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