Tuesday, December 13, 2005

End o' the day

What a weird day.

I did get some cataloging done. And then I got bogged down in continuations. And creating a list for the Grant Guy. The latter cost me over two hours. The continuations probably took that long.

Now I have a sinus headache.

I don't work on Thursday, and I won't be in ALL WEEK next week. Normally, I'd be thrilled, but I have so much work laying around that I'm mostly concerned about remembering what I need to do. Or, how to do it.

I'm not really as bad as all that. Some decent music, two tracks from Monty Python, some Black-Eyed Peas, and welcome emails from a couple of people who never fail to cheer me up have made the day worthwhile.

Tonight is a dinner at church. I'm going to be on the local governing body next year (well, for three years), and this is our "welcome to the club" meeting. Of course, Beast is out of town (Phoenix, damn him!) so Sparky will be on his own while I'm 'partying' at church. Yes, that was meant to be read ironically.

There's a snow advisory tonight and tomorrow. Great. Hope Beast can get home without sliding off any runways....

The final lyrics of the day, from The Beautiful South:
Sweet dreams till sunbeams find you
Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you
But in your dreams whatever they be
Dream a little dream of me

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