Sunday, December 11, 2005


I was messing with Bloglines, checking to see who my subscribers are (and why, why are so many of you "private"? Why won't you tell me who you are? waaaah).

I have a subscriber to my work blog who lives in the tiny town to the north of my workplace (tiny, tiny, tiny). I'm now Very Afraid. I'm not sure I recognize him, but I guess I'd better continue to keep that blog 'clean.' In other words, no snotty comments re coworkers, no snotty comments about patrons, and Professional.

I hate that word.

Should I be afraid? I'm not sure I recognize him...and he seems pretty normal: baseball, football, throwing tennis balls with his dog, etc. No, I'm not linking.

{Btw, you're not hallucinating if you've read this twice. I mis-posted it elsewhere first, brainiac that I am.}

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