Wednesday, November 02, 2005


I yam cr-ank-y today. Really, really outrageously PMS on 'roids cranky.

--I'm cranky with bloggers and their holier-than-thou-ness (I'm talking REALLY in-your-face stuff...not from any of my known readers).
--I'm cranky with patrons who have accents (about 30% of our clientele).
--I'm cranky about going to get a flu shot this afternoon because, although I hope it keeps me from getting sick for 4 months, my arm will hurt for the rest of the week.
--I'm cranky because I can't make a schedule that works this week. Someone's apparently trying to tell me "don't plan."
--I'm cranky because a very upbeat patron who I normally would have enjoyed helping out asked me twice within 5 minutes if I have any pets. And she really had forgotten that I'd already told her.
--I'm cranky because C.T.'s desk is absolutely-insanely-out-of-control-psychotic-messy in a way that makes me want to light a match. Really. Not just figuratively.
--I'm cranky because I really want to be home, sleeping or watching TV.
--I'm cranky with librarians who call in sick with effing vertigo. Meanwhile the sick librarian who came back today informed me (quietly) that she had to stay home with anemia yesterday because she MISCARRIED over the weekend and was rushed to the hospital.

OK, that last one makes me mad. And sad. Like break-down-and-cry at the Reference desk. Never a good thing. And instead of doing what I want to do (cry, or get work done), because Vertigo Woman isn't here I have to sit here and be, helpful to Stupid People. And right now, about 93% of the human population falls into that category.

So, yeah, beware ME, fore eye yam le cranc.

But there's always room for a laugh, right? (Right Robert??).

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