Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I rarely do this, but f*ck it: I'm going to Ikea this afternoon. I was considering going anyway...but as of an hour ago a total of 4 people have called in sick today. I'm getting my 'fun shopping' in while I can, before I get whatever-the-heck is making the rounds. Perhaps I should get a flu shot on the way outta town, too.

So it'll be Swedish Meatballs and lingenberry-something-or-other for dinner for Sparky and me tonight.

Update: So naturally, Sparky has to stay at school today until 5:30. So much for Plan B a.k.a. Retail Therapy. He'll have homework to do, so Ikea is back to a mere faint possibility. Rats. I was really looking forward to that Daim torte and a bottle of gløgg to bring home.

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