Thursday, November 03, 2005

Guilty (not) secret

An exceptionally obnoxious patron wanted to check out 40 or 50 (!) CDs today. I said no, the limit is 10 at a time. She tried to wheedle us into letting her do it by saying "we used to" not have a limit--not for at least 5 years, and she's relatively new to the area. Then she changed tactics and asked us to hold them behind the desk; I told her we'd hold TEN more. She then tried to get around that by saying we'd have to reshelve the extra ones. Hey, I don't do shelving, so whatever. She picked out ten to hold, I checked out the original ten and she left.

I then picked out 10 of them "to be shelved" and checked them out to myself so she won't be able to have them when she comes back later. I picked another 10 and checked them out to my kid. They will sit on my desk for a few weeks. I think I'll even renew them.

Jeez, this crankiness really needs to get worked out, eh?

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