Friday, September 23, 2005

In the news

When I was in Houston earlier this month, we stayed with friends'. Their family moved to Houston about 3 years ago, taking with them two of our best Sparky-sitters. Bummer. They were good friends, and remain so--although I'm hopeless about keeping in touch with people when they aren't in plain sight.

Anyway, as mentioned, they live near Houston. It dawned on me yesterday that I should check in with them to see if they were expecting any problems with the hurricane. When I checked messages at home after work, there was a message from the Shampoo Lady (she can't help that her folks named her what they named her, but I give her grief all the time about her name...) saying that they were evacuating.

I called her back: she and her husband and two younger daughters, her oldest daughter and her baby, another daughter's boyfriend, the dog (a weimaraner, a total bag o' nerves) and the a convoy with several million other Texans headed north. [The baby's father is a firefighter, so he is staying in town.] They had reached Ft. Worth in 'only' 12 hours (it's normally a four-hour drive) when I talked to her.

She called again this morning. They found a place to crash last night but are continuing on to OK City today where they'll stay until they have electricity back at home. She just said to me, "Isn't this so ironic?" I asked if we should start packing another truck to bring down...

It is so weird to think that someone I know is involved in this.

Gas prices here are holding steady, but I stopped last night for gas and there was a line. My next car is going to be at least partially non-gas-using. This is just nuts.

OK, back to housework. Wheeeee.

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