I have about 70 pairs of earrings (at least). I have about 15 necklaces. Very few of the necklaces "match" the earrings, another reason I don't wear them, perhaps.
They hang on a custom-made hanger in my closet, just above the earrings, just inside the closet door:
- a double-sided pendant from Iran, pre-Revolution, given to me by my mother's best friend from their grade school years when I was 12ish
- a pendant of my mom's which she bought from Avon; not sure why I keep it--I don't like it that much, and it's painted with a pink flower...I don't like pink
- a necklace I found on my way to jr. high school in an alley
- fake pearls; someday I'll have real ones
- a necklace/bracelet set I received as a gift for a wedding I was in a few years ago
- one made in Africa out of paper beads which are painted, purchased at an alternative gift shop
- one I purchased in the Luxor casino in Vegas a couple of years ago
- Sparky gave me one last Christmas; The Beast gave me another for our first anniversary
- one I got from Linda, who always gives me exquisite stuff, last Christmas
- there's another one there from my high school years (late 70s)
- the remainder were hand-made for me by a craftswoman...I actually wear those the most
But I like 'em, so... {shrug}.
Maybe I'll be industrious and collect my earrings for a photo. I have a story for each pair....
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