Friday, May 13, 2005


Woke up in the darkness to thunder and lightning last night (this morning?). The Beast is out of town; I don't wear earplugs when he's gone. But I have for at least part of the last two nights: last night because of the thunder, night before last because of the wind making one of our porch chairs thump-rock.

So I'm tired this morning. And I'm amused about the response to my momentarily wish for a gun the other night. Just as an accessory. No bullets.

I was going to post a picture of what I meant. I Googled to find what I had in mind and realized two things: 1) guns aren't so much matte black anymore, and 2) they are ugly and scary.

So, no worries. No "special accessories" for me. I'll stick with a a couple of new pairs of shoes: no waiting period and still dangerous weapons in the right hands (or feet).

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