Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Tired. But currently listening to Jimmy Cliff telling me it's a 'bright, bright sunshiny day.' All in all a good-music day.

We got the word that we're supposed to be tracking what we do every week and presenting it to The Boss on Thursdays lest she think we're doing nothing and give us something (more) to do. Ahem. So I started a new blog on a new platform (i.e., not Blogger). I don't like the formatting options very well over there, but there are sure a lot of cool little whistles and bells in other areas. Tell me what you think, but remember, my boss will be reading it. You might want to comment here, so I can keep my job. I'll probably post a lot of the 'fun' stuff here too, but that one gives me a place to put work-related stuff in a clean and tidy (read "non-snarky") format.

Right. Sparky just called to find out when I'm coming home. The Beast is in Rhode Island/New Hampshire/Connecticut till Friday, so it's mom & kid till then. Hopefully he won't do anything like he did Monday morning this week, or I'll be in jail for assault with intent to cause bodily harm! I'll blog about it when I'm calmer and there's distance. And when I figure out how NOT to gross ya'll out.

SOooo, yeah. Goin' home to my little (hah) Grandmaster Flash-listenin' twerp. Maybe I'll get my book blog caught up tonight. It needs it....

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