Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A perfect day... finding my favorite flamer while flipping channels tonight. The photo on that link is terrifically frightening, and frankly I suspect people in small towns south of, say, Kentucky would actually be terrified of our Graham...but I think he is a scream, if a perpetually 15-year-old one.

On top of which, there was Bryan Adams, looking heroin-chic, as his guest star (I don't know if Adams does drugs--my guess is probably not--and he did mention a motorcycle accident, so that could be why he looked so thin, pale and frankly ill). I have mixed feelings about Bryan Adams, but I will say that beyond the unhealth look about him, he's aging into his looks.

Anyway. It was a good day today. Now I'm going to update my book blog as promised and play. Sparky's in bed (two nights this week of less than 8 hours of sleep makes Sparky a very snippy boy) and I have nothing pressing to deal with at this point. So, a fun night.

Unless this computer crashes. In which case the screaming you hear will be me in complete freak-out mode.

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