Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I've been meaning to post about this new thing we've just started using at the Reference Desk. It's a collection of Internet reference links put together by a new company called Library Links.

They provide a customized Internet links directory for us. The really neat thing about this links collection is they have designed it so the links directory site will seamlessly fits with our library's existing website. In other words, it looks as if the directory is a proprietary part of our site. We got to specify how the directory looks (i.e. background, font type/color, header, etc...).

The links have been chosen, updated, and are continuously (continually?) checked by seasoned, current reference staff. They are useful to typical public library patrons and us librarians.

The really cool part is that the whole thing is searchable, but doesn't bring back junky hits like Google does. It also has a 'Featured Links' section which highlights interesting sites every week.

They only charge $200/yr for the service with a 60-day free trial.

I'm going to temporarily link to a library that uses it so you can play around with it.
So that's my library-related plug for the week. Can you tell I used it a lot today?? :-)

{Link closed May 16, 2005. You'll have to contact the vendor for more information.}

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