Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Word of the day: quotidian \kwoh-TID-ee-uhn\, adjective:
1. Occurring or returning daily; as, a quotidian fever.
2. Of an everyday character; ordinary; commonplace.
Quote(s) of the day:
"Things are only impossible until they're not." -- Jean-Luc Picard, 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
Mood: Better than it has been lately
Listening to: C.M.E. mix: "Suds in the Bucket" (Sara Evans)
Where am I? Work, finally

Long week. L - O - N - G . And, though I feel better than I have in weeks, I know that's just temporary. Things will continue to happen, and life just keeps being complicated and generally annoying.

Thanks to those who have been sending positive energy this way. I don't know how much 'real' blogging I'll be doing; I'm feeling sort of empty, like a dry-socketed tooth.

I'm more likely to be meming to keep the brain going. But I'll be back here eventually.

(Johnnie and Annie, you have a meme over there addressed to you, btw.)

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