Monday, March 21, 2005

Light at the end?

Word of the day: furbelow \FUR-buh-low\, noun:
1. A pleated or gathered flounce on a woman's garment; a ruffle.
2. Something showy or superfluous; a bit of showy ornamentation.
Quote(s) of the day:
"There is scarcely anything in the world that some man cannot make a little worse, and sell a little more cheaply. The person who buys on price alone is this man's lawful prey." -- John Ruskin
Mood: Pretty good
Listening to: The hum of the computer
Where am I? Home

I really like Mondays: I get lots of 'stuff' done, which at least starts the week well. And I always like Mondays after I work Sundays the best...yesterday was a true zoo at the library, as usual on a Sunday.

So far today, I've made bread (well, it's on its first rising anyway), updated the book blog, cleared out 400 emails from our inbox here at home (guess it's been awhile, eh?), and done dishes.

Next up, I need to create a shopping list, finish the bread, clear off my desk (ha ha ha), email my family, wrap a late shower gift from my sister to my niece, and unload the dishwasher.

The Beast is only working half-day today, his first day back since his surgery. And today is also his annual review. Last year he got totally screwed over on it, so he's not exactly thrilled. The upside of work for him right now is that his bonus check came--and a lovely one it was, too!--so he now feels free to start job-hunting.

Later on, I need to go in to church with the bread and some grape juice for Thursday night's communion and do attendance while I'm there. I'm three weeks quickly that happens! Sparky needs to take his PYPs gift to some church friends this afternoon, and I'm still looking for a sport-coat/suit jacket for him. He's just the wrong size: too big for boys' sizes, too small for the men's department. And since he'll only wear the thing twice, I'm too cheap to pay too much for it. Resale shops, ahoy!

So, yeah, I think there is a light at the end of this l-o-n-g winter tunnel. Our crocus and daffodils are sprouting and you can (almost) go outside for an extended period without a coat.

Weekend review: we watched "Matrix Revolutions." We've just discovered this series of movies (ok, we're old, all right?) and how really GOOD they are. But this one was absolutely hold-your-breath good, one I will probably watch over and over. Guess what The Beast is getting for Easter?! :-)

We also watched TheAnimal Planet's "Dragons" show last night. It was very interesting, but at the end, I had to tell Sparky that, although it looked like there actually was a discovery in Carpathia of a dragon and some humans, the show made that all up. He was crestfallen and I don't blame him: it was presented in a very "National Geographic" kind of way, sort of 'the latest amazing find in evolutionary biology!' Except, duh, no dragons have been found.... I sat there watching the show and picturing people running to libraries today asking for the original news reports on this discovery, and then accusing librarians of some kind of conspiracy to keep it quiet. Don't laugh: it's happened to me, when the whole Nostradamus thing was at its most feverish. Some guy told me that I was holding out on him because I couldn't find the exact prophecy that said (in clear terms) that the world was going to end in 2000.

ANYway. Time to get back to work.

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