Saturday, March 26, 2005

Easter Saturday

Word of the day: luculent \LOO-kyuh-luhnt\, adjective:
Clear; easily understood.
I've never heard this word! So I can say I learned something today.
Quote(s) of the day:
"It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese." -- Carl Sagan
"Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions." --G.K. Chesterton
Mood: Good
Listening to: Blowers and occasional questions re "where do we keep...?"
Where am I? Work

I'm wearing my Henry IV T-shirt today. Because, even though it snowed yesterday, it's spring dammit and I'm tired of wearing sweaters!

I made lovely succotash soup last night. Well, I thought it was lovely. Just before it was finished cooking, Sparky announced he didn't feel good: he was shivering (he was in a T-shirt yesterday, but that is fairly normal for him) and red in the face. Sure enough: the ear-thermometer read 99.7 and since it's usually at least 1.5 degrees low, that would be 101.

So, no Tenabrae service for us. Two Tylenol for Sparky. He ate a small bowl of soup and went directly to bed, at 7:45.

This morning he seemed fine, but Beasty says that after Sparky's shower, he said he felt dizzy.

So the medical marvel that is our family's life continues. I'm still sickish, although I definitely feel like I'm over the worst of this cold. Sparky rarely gets knocked out by illness, but this winter has been atrocious for him. And we all know about Beasty and his sinuses (he's nearly back to 100% now, btw).

But I am at work. Trying to make up for the time lost last week to OCLC's hardware issues.

In other depressing news, from a Mom standpoint: Sparky is now officially shopping in the "junior" department. {sniff}

[EDITED @ 11:30: Sparky is scamming us. When presented with the possibility of coming into town to do some Yu-Gi-Oh gaming, he suddenly became much more chipper, cleaned his room and did a rough draft of the gameboard he has to create over vacation. huh]

{Hi Kirk!}

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