Friday, February 25, 2005

Random acts of blogging

Weather: 34 degrees (feels like 27); cloudy
Mood: Good
Listening to: Dream Catcher--Native Flutes by Ron Allen (second time through)
Where am I? Home

I think I'm going to get rid of the weather setting on this. It's too depressing. Maybe I'll add the quote/word of the day? Speaking of which:
Today's word: blackguard ("That blackguard who uses the science of speech/More to blackmail and swindle than teach" -- name that quote!)
Today's actual quotes:
"The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything." (Goethe)
"Many would be cowards if they had courage enough." (Thomas Fuller)
This is one of those awful Must-Be-Productive days. Here's my list, along with approximate costs, because this is going to be a big spending day, too:
{edited @ 3:30} {and again @ 9:00}
  1. Catch up book blog [free]
  2. Call the Beast--he said goodbye when he left, but I wasn't completely awake [free]
  3. Empty the dishwasher [free] doing that next, as soon as I finish this nope, just did it
  4. Wash dishes that don't go in the dishwasher (wooden-handled knives, bread pans, etc.)[free]
  5. Call or email my niece about Monday [free]
  6. Check said niece's bridal registry on Bed, Bath & Beyond [free, unless I buy]
  7. Check schedule for possible shopping dates with A. [free, till we shop!]
  8. Fill the gas tank in the truck [$25-$30] $29.01 for a little over 15 gallons
  9. Go to Sam's Club [$100-$130] going tonite instead $130.42
  10. Go to grocery store [$50-$80] $42.16
  11. Look for a couple one more small birthday presents for this weekend...[$10-$20] $9.99 for a bead-filled football-shaped pillow
  12. Possibly stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond? [$60-$100] $146.87 total, about $98 of which is shower gifts
  13. Get allergy shots--when was the last time I went?? [$15 co-pay] $0, because the insurance company has screwed up and paid two of my copays from last year. And I was there exactly a month ago.
  14. Put away every-damn-thing most of what I bought [free, unless I have to pay a fine for all the swearing] ...except for the prezzies. No swearing, but I did talk to myself about where to put all the carrots and lettuce and so forth: with the guinea pig food? separated? Hmmm.... Everything is put away except the shower and birthday gifts; I'll take them upstairs when I go to bed.
  15. Tidy up house [free, in fact I might find money!]
  16. Practice for tomorrow's class [free]
  17. Get laundry together [free]
  18. Make dinner [free, unless I've forgotten something at the store] eating out [$25-$40 depending on drinks...which I probably won't have since I have to drive home...rats] We ate at Olive Garden; I have no idea what it cost. And I had a lovely glass of white wine.
  19. Either clip the guinea pigs' nails, or make an appt. at the vet to have them done [free, or $10]
  20. Read? Set up scrapbook station? Anyway, it would be nice to have something actually FUN on this list, wouldn't it? [free] Technically, I read at the allergist while I waited. Does that count?
  21. We're driving to the mall to pick up my Val. present. It's about an hour each way, so we'll hit Sam's Club there, and catch something to eat. I love the Beast! He lets me get away with not cooking far too often. We left at 4:30 and returned about 8:45. We picked up my gift, ate, and went to Sam's in that time. We live a long way from everything.
I can't do numbers 8 through 13 yet because the allergist doesn't open till noon and Sam's Club is just across the street from them, as is B.B.B and Toys R Us. Gas is slightly cheaper there than around here, as are groceries. I really should just sign up for Peapod and be done: god how I hate grocery shopping!

I woke up thinking about this stupid 'class' I'm doing. I think I was dreaming about it.

The library I emailed yesterday? Still hasn't written me back. THIS IS HOW WE GET A BAD NAME! I'm going to have to call them, maybe tomorrow, from work. Grrrr.... [Nothing yet--good thing it's not an emergency...oh wait, it is a bit of an emergency!] Nope, nothin'.

My life is really boring. Which is why I'm procrastinating at starting to live it today. [It's all doom and gloom on the news, which I listened to while driving hither and yon; I want to stop living my life today. Like Hunter Thompson: can I be shot out of a cannon when I do go, by the way?]

Wake up, get to work! [Nag nag nag] Nope, sorry, I'm getting ready for sleep; forget working!

I realized 10 minutes ago that my work key is sitting on my desk...inside the locked library. So much for going in early tomorrow and getting myself organized!

Good night!

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