Friday, November 26, 2004

Mood: Good
Hair: Braid
Listening to: Youssou N'Dour "Joko"

I have exactly one "official" hour off-desk today. Poor me.

Turkey Day was great: 11 people around the table, no fighting, plenty of starchy food (although we ran out of white turkey meat, even with two vegetarians at the table!), lots and lots of dirty dishes that can't go in the dishwasher, Texas Hold 'Em poker Weds. and Thurs. nights (my nieces won, one each night)...

What I'm thankful for NOW:
  • It's over--I can cook "normal" for a year now
  • My nephews and brother-in-law seem amenable to getting together at Xmas. Small steps
  • The inlaws, outlaws and 'vaguely related by engagement-soon-to-be-marriage' folks all got along fine
  • My mother's china
  • The chairs didn't break (the new ones are scheduled to arrive next week--lousy timing)
  • Waldorf salad
  • The Bears lost
  • I only freaked out once, before most of the people arrived
  • I get to take a bath tonight, because all the company will be GONE when I get home
  • The Christmas lights on the Square will be officially turned on tonight, which is lovely and small-towny and makes me cry to even think about
We have good CDs at my library.

I have to get to work now.

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