Saturday, October 09, 2004


Mood: OK. VERY stiff neck (see below)
Hair: blown out (but that was 8+ hours ago!)
Snappy Comeback NOT to be used today: Chaos, panic & disorder--my work here is [nearly] done.

Hold on to your hat, it's another jump-from-subject-to-subject day.

Played CivIII for 5 hours yesterday. Consequently, I have the tightest upper back in the world and my neck hurts a lot too. I had to quit. I'm insane, compulsive and stupid for even starting to play.

Have I mentioned that I've misplaced a Bible? I realized this a couple of weeks ago. My secondhand Jerusalem Bible has gone missing, along with the binder with Bible Study notes in it from the last 8 years (not that many notes, but it had a really funny joke-page with it which started MR DUCKS...). I suspect I took them out of the canvas bag they were in last spring, and in a fit of pique--I was having a lot of those directed at church stuff--put them somewhere. Obviously not with the other Bibles I use for BibSt. Not in the office at home, not in the cupboards in the living room, not in the pantry. The Beast thinks they are packed away with our other books, but I've used these things since we moved. GRRRR...

Two Sundays ago we realized that Sparky's last promotion Bible is also missing. OK, so now I'm thinking we unloaded from the last day of Sunday School last spring and dumped all three of these things...WHERE?!

Upside: I have a copy of the same Bible as Sparky (The Adventure Bible), so he can use that for Sunday School and PYPs. I have my NIV Bible, which is in better shape anyway. So I'm not doomed. Just annoyed.

Speaking of Bibles, I have at least six. I haven't unpacked those book boxes, but I suspect there are more. Versions I own: The Way, The Message, Word on the Street, NIV, RSV, NIV for kids...probably have at least some of KJV (one of those free-on-the-street-corner 3"x5" Bibles unless I threw them all away). Why? Cuz I like to see how different translations have dealt with whatever I'm studying.

Sparky is spending his first evening at home alone tonight while we do "grown-up" things. No not those. Something for church. ;-) But children are explicitly verboten. Kind of nice.

Guess I'd better get rid of this headache before we go. I'm being picked up from work to go since otherwise I would drive 20 minutes home and then turn around and drive 20 minutes right back here (around the corner). Stupid.

So, yeah, I'm at work and I've done a buttload of Spanish books, mostly ones for kids, and the rest of the DVDs. Slow but sure.

HOWEVER, guess what's left: SKINNY BOOKS. Damn.

Email from niece today: she and her new husband are coming over here for my OTHER niece's wedding next summer. Can they stay with us? So far they are camping for a week, her parents are staying for a week (probably different days...?) and possibly my brother & family are coming. Let's see, we can still fit two more people, but I think then we'll have to buy another inflatable mattress.

I really MUST get living room curtains before I ask people to sleep in there!!


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