Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm here, I'm here! {mad waving from the left aisle}

Mood: OK -- can feel my brain doing a sort of Weetabix thing though
Hair: pony behind crown
Snappy Comeback NOT to be used today: A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.

Remember that perception is reality.
    • I've cataloging a dozen potty-training DVDs today
    • I've potzed around with those Booknotes I mentioned the other day (was it only Tuesday?)
    • I'm done with the CDs
    • There's a shelf of continuations to deal with
    • There are about twenty little crapola projects that I've had "consultations" about today: how to fix one of our new chairs so Lovely Old Lady Tech can finally be comfortable, how to demarcate the Weed n Feed Grant books as they arrive, what to do about the stupid book packaged with the onesie in the cover [to name a few]
    • Noon arrived at about 10:15 (already?)
    • I'm mentally DONE. Toast. Restacked the junk on my cart, pushed it back and said, "Nope, can't, ick. Saturday. Yeah, I'll get it done Saturday."
I have a (forgotten) meeting tonight. Thankfully, the committee chair called and reminded me around 9 a.m., and I actually have my act together and the minutes are typed up and copied.

In any case, much running around in store this afternoon and evening:
      • pick up Sparky at school (10 minute drive, 10 minutes in line waiting at school)
      • go get minutes at home (15 minutes)
      • drive to dentist (at least 20 minutes)
      • read old magazines while the dentist cleans six months of sludge of Sparky's teeth and pronounces him cavity-free (unlike Dewey) because he's got teeth made of some diamond-like substance (20 minutes)
      • drive back here (during rush hour: 20-30 minutes)
      • find somewhere to eat and do so (at least 30 minutes)
      • call The Beast (20 minutes?)
      • go to meeting (by 7:00)
Homework??? Huh. Right.

More randomness: our library's records are about two weeks away from being clean and pristine, thanks to Zen Cataloger. She is down to about 200 "illegal" (i.e., non-OCLC) records belonging to us. When she retired [pause for guffaw] not-quite-two years ago there were thousands. There still are thousands in our database, but THEY AREN'T OURS!! This is cause for celebration, I guess, but the thought just makes me tired.

I posted this week that I passed the 350 mark in blog entries. Oddly enough, by counter still shows me (stuck) at 349. Hello? Blogger??? Anyone home?

I want to go to Florence and Venice and drink wine and eat oranges this weekend. I'd 'settle' for Greece. Instead, I get to work both days.

The Beast is coming home tomorrow. I've missed him. And my "things to do around the house while The Beast is gone" list isn't close to finished, so I guess I have to work on that a bit tomorrow, eh?

Anyway, I wish I could draw. But I found, thanks to Frilly, another reason why the Internet is very cool.

Amy and I are scheduling a shopping trip. This proves that I'm no longer a teenager. In case I wasn't sure.

Shopping may be a reward for surviving the cataloging meeting, run by the Man We All Love to Loathe, ably assisted in his attempts to look brilliant by The Cataloger Who Lives in Space and Has Limited Brain Function on Earth. They work in separate buildings, Otherwise the universe would explode.

It's definitely a reward for A. surviving life in general. And who needs a better excuse to shop than that?

So. Ciao - αντίο.

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