Sunday, October 31, 2004

Happy Halloween

Mood: Good
Hair: It's the end of the day--how good could it be doing?

So yeah, it's Halloween. Hope all your ghosts and ghoulies were easily bribable with candy, as ours were. [TWO unicorns this year!]

Quick report on the weekend:
Saturday: shopping with Amy. Fun times, good food, girl-talk. The weather wasn't even totally crap, until the drive home. Just v.v. windy.
Didn't get home till the boys had eaten and were commencing on the pumpkin carving. I did dishes, hoping Sparky didn't stab himself with the pumpkin tools. He's fine. However, I managed to drop a pyrex bowl (the yellow one) in the sink and cut my (thankfully, left) hand up in a couple of places. Nothing awful, but I did get to see the difference between pink blood and dark red blood, the latter of whichwhich nearly made me faint. What a wuss. I'm now fully Band-Aided.

Sunday: Sparky went to Sunday School while The Beast and I along with the rest of the city went to lunch at Six Balls. The place was jammed. Back to church for contemp service--which was great. I think I'm going to give the trad service a pass whenever possible from now on. Left Sparky at church for youth group, came home to watch the Packer game, went BACK to church to collect him and then Trick-or-Treat began. Pizza was delivered about 5, the kids have "officially" stopped wandering the streets, the candles have burned out in the pumpkins and we are nearly out of candy. Hurrah!
Tomorrow is a calm, schedule-less day off. Please be sure to read the irony deftly scattered throughout that sentence.

In other news, I've posted a briefly annotated list of my psycho family for reference. There are only 19 to keep track of in my [as an A.C.O... friend of mine calls it] Family of Origin. Not that bad except the generations are apparently too complicated for a lot of people to follow. Personally, I think it's a perfectly normal family {insert laughter here}, by which I mean Tolstoy would find it so.

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