Tuesday, October 26, 2004

At the Ref Desk

Mood: There are no words to express my mood
Hair: ...nor my hair...
Snappy Comeback TO BE USED oday: Stroppy is as stroppy does. [would like to say that to the boss!]

For no apparent reason other than my schedule being whacked for the week, I'm quite cranky today. Beyond cranky in fact. I feel like I should have a flashing neon sign around my neck saying: "Toxic answers given here." Sitting at the reference desk. Feeling very misanthropic. The world sucks.

OK, hauling myself out of the pits of annoyance, the weather is lovely again today, although less sunny. I'm so dreading winter, the upside being that I'm so loving and appreciating autumn this year. We bought pumpkins over the weekend (four for $9--can't beat that!). They need to be carved, probably Friday. We were given some iris rhizomes from friends on Sunday, so I have to get those in the ground, along with trimming the rosebushes back and prepping them for winter. Maybe this year I'll get motivated and do some garden planning while it's cold out.

Between that and trying to figure out baby and wedding gifts, I should be too busy to be depressed this winter. Right? OK, not likely, but one can hope.

Along with the lack of general motivation, I'm flashing like crazy this morning. And my back is sore again--not like last week, just tired and cranky. Like the rest of me. Did I mention my wrist hurts too? sigh...

I'm a joy to behold today. And my sidebar is messed up here too, so that's just something else to sort out and find the missing '/' or whatever.

Ending on a high note: Realized yesterday that Sam's Club will shop for me if I send my order in online. Then all I need to do is show up and pay, load the truck and drive it home. ROCK! Peapod is still in the running, but the prices are higher; I'm too much of a Scot to let that go easily...

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