Thursday, April 29, 2004


Mood: Glad to be at work
Hair: No time to do anything but clip it back at the crown

I love children. Not my own, necessarily, mind you.
1) Caught him playing GameBoy in bed, two hours after bedtime last night.

2) Family meeting this morning was needfully prolonged to see if he could complete a thought out loud. [no]

3) Had to remind him twice to collect baseball clothes for practice after school today, and to do his other chores. His attitude, of course, is in the dumper because he isn't getting enough sleep. [He did admit he had been doing this off and on for a couple of weeks; points to him for honesty, I guess.]

4) On the way in to town to school, I (not he) realized he didn't have his baseball gear (bat, mitt, etc.). Great--he'll be all dressed up and nothing to do at practice! So we'll have to drive home after I pick him up and get stuff and drive right back. This is a minimum 30-minute roundtrip. So I have to leave work early. Again.
So frustrating. Which is why I'm glad I work; staying at home with him 24/7 for two years was truly brain-draining. I think it's great that some people don't feel this way, but I'm definitely my mother's daughter on this point...

And I have a GIANT PILE of books to catalog today. So headphones and nastyhat are on. BEWARE, CRANKY CATALOGER!

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