Monday, April 12, 2004

Mindless wandering around the Internet

Mood: Good
Hair: Down and dirty

Here's what I've wandered through this morning:

via CatalogueBlog-->via Languagehat: Vocabula computatralia. For all those times you want to impress people with your Latin skills and still talk techie.

Saturday's post on this blog is fascinating. For all those aspiring writers, go nuts. Me, I'm just wishing I could see into my mirrors!

Best choices for the 11th commandment here. And from the same website, if anyone is thinking about gifts for me, there is virtually nothing here that I would like. The Bobble Heads would be acceptable, but only if you're desperate...

And still trying to find out about guinea pigs, as in do we have boys or girls? Having the daddy sniff around them all is somewhat helpful, but not exactly rocket science.

This has all been my reward for updating our address lists (Christmas and online). I THINK they all match now...till someone moves again...


Time to get to work.


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