Saturday, April 10, 2004

Easter Saturday at work

Mood: Hungry
Hair: Hair clip (but in a good way)

It's cold in here today. I keep taking my jacket off in hopes that it has warmed up, but my hands are cold.

Tenebrae was really good last night. And quite a few people were there, which was heartening.

Tonight we'll dye our eggs, unless The Beast caves in and does them with the boy before I get home today.

Can I make it till tomorrow morning? I'm very grumbly-tummy right now.

I should be cataloging; I have a full cart of books waiting behind me, not to mention that gift cart full. So I think I'll get back to doing that.

Oh, we had a call this morning from a patron. He wanted to talk to the director because his daughter was here yesterday and some guy exposed himself to her. She was so freaked out (it sounds as if she's quite young) that she left, went to the Square, found a cop and told him. Well, great.

Apropos of that--but clearly unrelated in a direct way--the librarian on duty this morning mentioned that we now have Panic Buttons at all the service desks. Good thing I was informed. Not. She only told me in passing, assuming that I already knew.

See, I need to catalog more. My mind is wandering all over the place!

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