Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Hump Day

Mood: OK, but fading fast

A fun time-passer for mid-afternoon, from the folks at BDInsanity.

First, as a warm up, using the letters I-N-S-A-N-E reveal six things about yourself.
I - Informational
N - Not Hip
S - Silly
A - Apt
N - Not another N...uhm, Normal?
E - Extra-tired today

1. What's the best pickup line you ever heard and did it work? I don't think I'd kow a pickup line if it bopped me on the head. So I guess it didn't work.
2. If you were a character in The Wizard of Oz, who or what would you be? The scarecrow--"If I only had a brain..." With occasional Flying Monkey moments. I do know someone is lurking saying, "No, the Tin Man!" But since you never comment, Someone... :-)
3. If you were an element of weather, what would you be? Partly cloudy with a chance of rain. And windy (no comments from you Brits!). Some days I'm fine and some days I'm nasty--and some days I'm both at once, depending on which way the wind is blowing!
4. If you were a breed of dog, what would you be and why. If I have to be purebred, I'd like to be a collie, but I'm probably more of an afghan. No, I'm really a mongrel: very healthy and non-pedigreed.
5. If you were a toy or a game, what would you be and why? Chutes and Ladders. I'm a pretty linear thinker.

Your turn.

[Two people have received flowers today. What a drag. Which I guess makes me a bitch, eh?]

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