Friday, April 30, 2004

Friday...and all that it brings with it

Mood: Crap
Hair: The only positive on a crap crap crap day

Aha! I can flash my ALA membership card to prove I'm a librarian! Who else would join ALA? ('Course that means I'd have to pay for membership...hmmm)

On the other hand: I'm on service desks today for 4+ hours, of 8. So it looks like yesterday was the only day I'll actually get piles of work done this week. Today I'll just refgrunt all day. Lucky me, lucky processing people who won't get completely dumped on!

Q for this morning from me, a flaming Protestant from a no-godchildren tradition: What kind of gift am I supposed to give to a child having his 1st Communion? He's not our godson; we've done that already, so I have to buy something less than what we got the Godson, right? They are brothers, and sibling rivalry is a big issue. And I have to have it tomorrow afternoon.

More evidence of a crap day: No Friday Five today. And the past Fives are offline. Boo.

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