Tuesday, February 10, 2004


Sometimes people at meetings just make you want to bring the Magic Duct Tape, the kind that will fly out of your hands at the merest hint of droning on or hysteria and attach itself to the offending mouth. It needs to be unremovable by the Offending Mouth's hands, too.


At least Amy had decent scenery from her end of the room. Oh well. Can't wait for my tour of duty to be up so I can sit as a member of the rank-and-file and gripe about leadership.

I had a bottle of Tylenol in my pocket, and I forgot to take any before hand. Big mistake. In retaliation, my body has decided that it's Carpal-Tunnel-Time, so my left wrist keeps twinging. And my headache just returned, 11 hours later.

So. Time to get a few things done. ha ha ha

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