Monday, January 26, 2004

Snowy Monday

It's nice to have three days in a row off work. I got quite a lot done this weekend, and in spite of the blowing snow, I may even get to the grocery store today yet.

My reading logs are now all caught up. I am working on THE LIST--authors I want keep up on. Unfortunately, I haven't updated that database since 1999, so that is turning into a morass. Plus, of course, I have added about 15 new authors in catching up the last two years' reading... which means I have to get a complete list of their books put together.

The easy way of doing this is to use Novelist. Unfortunately, sometime in the last couple of weeks, Novelist has lost our subscription, so I can't get there from our library website. Lots of libraries subscribe and provide online access, of course, but I need a library card to use it. sigh

So I'm using FirstSearch and swearing at publishers again. Why do they have to release 7 editions of the same book? I could probably broaden that to catalogers, since I know a few of the separate entries are just double-entered: same book, cataloged twice. Annoying.

So in preparation for starting on that, I think I should go get some sort of snack: let's see, how about celery and low-fat cheese. Yum.....sigh again.

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