Sunday, January 18, 2004

Playoff Sunday

...and haven't seen a bit of football. Sparky & Z are upstairs with their GameBoys, I've been typing up my reading log for 3+ hours. I was almost 2 years behind! So it is taking me awhile to catch up the word processing, and then I still have the cards to do...but those don't take as long. Doing the log online will make this whole process a little easier. I hope.

We just got a notice that we have a -- GASP! -- sign in our yard. I want to know if everyone with a builder's sign got cited, or just people with Woodridge signs, or just us.

The week ahead: The Beast's in Vegas, Sparky's off school tomorrow, there's a Homeowner's Assn. meeting Thursday night that I've decided to go to as a result of the sign situation, of course we need sitters for two nights, maybe there's Bible Study Friday....and the usual weekly humdrum.

Sparky needs to get something for Z off the Internet.

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