Saturday, August 25, 2007


I just found something out that's rather interesting...disturbing. Even though Beast was on my site all date yesterday from work, his 8-hour visit didn't show up on Sitemeter. And no, I'm not just taking his word for his being there all day: he was Meebo-ing me using that little window in the left column. We IM'd whie I was at work, and after I came back home. Meebo said--just as he logged out--that he'd been online for 419 minutes. Odd. Freaky. Maybe I need a new counter/tracker...?

The eyedrops from the dr. seem to be helpful. I am to check in with them on Monday morning after using the drops all weekend. Between the drops and ibuprofen (not Tylenol, not aspirin--so clearly this involves inflammation of a dire sort), I can actually function today, at least enough to go to the grocery store.

Golf was cancelled for Beast today. He is sad although perhaps more because he was already at the course when he got the call. So he's back home and he just now kicked back in his recliner for a nap. I have a feeling the course was probably flooded. It has been a wicked wet week here. And that's all I'm going to say about the weather, except that while sitting in line at the drive-thru Thursday at 4:30, I realized that it felt like mid-winter. It was that kind of light. Guess I'd better get that Xanax refill....

New Word:
smexting, pp
Sending text messages while standing outside on a smoking break.
[Blend of smoking and texting.]

See, now you can say you learned something today too, even though it's the weekend. There's something kind of disreputable-sounding about that word, n'est-ce pas?

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