Monday, July 30, 2007

We talk funny 'round here

I love reading about language and words. That's why I have a section in my blogroll of Language stuff (go look, you'll see). One of my favorite links forever has been the hat. Here is today's post:
A correspondent has created a map of the USA and Canada where people can record their regional accent based on pronunciations of various vowel sounds: "You just click on the map where you grew up, select which accent the quiz said you had, and then a dot color-coded to your accent appears on the map. Pretty neat, isn't it?" To take the quiz, go here or here. And yes, it is pretty neat.
Yep, it's neat. What are you waiting for?! Take one of the quizzes--or do like I did, and dig up your results--and go enter yourself! Right now the map is pretty sparse, so go. GO!!!

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